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Published: February 2017

Published by Woodbridge Press


A stone from the starts rips a royal family apart, in a new tale from the banished lands. Weary hero Cam rides to the aid of his dying king, bearing the elixir that may save him. A party of reluctant adventurers pursues a troll across a snowy mountainside – or is it the troll who is hunting them?

Fourteen tales of daring, death, and glory, by fourteen talented writers.

Grab your map, sword, and magical amulet; your journey awaits.

With stories from:
John Gwynne, Adrian Tchaikovsky, Gail Z. Martin, Juliet E McKenna, Julia Knight, Juliana Spink Mills, Jacob Cooper, Samanda R Primeau, Steven Poore, Davis Ashura, Dan Jones, Charlie Pulsipher, Anna Dickinson, and Thaddeus White.




My contribution to Journeys will be my second story for Canadian indie publisher Woodbridge Press, following The Haunting Of Lake Manor Hotel. Nathan at Woodbridge has outdone himself in securing such en esteemed lineup of authors, including 2016's winner of the Arthur C. Clarke Award, Adrian Tchaikovsky. The whole collection is edited by fantasy veteran, Teresa Edgerton, and represents everything that is great about classic fantasy.


I'm delighted to be a part of it, and hope it does as well as it deserves. My story, A Warm Heart, is about a trainee assassin on his first proper job who acquires an unexpected companion along the way. On the surface it's a simple adventure story, but I hope that when readers dig a little bit deeper they'll see there's more than meets the eye.

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