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I'm a science fiction and fantasy writer living in Essex. My debut novel Man O'War is available now in paperback, hardback and ebook formats, published by Snowbooks. I'm currently working on my next novel, Hole In The Sky. I've also released several short fiction and non-fiction pieces. I love to meet other authors and talking about the artistic and business aspects of writing and publishing, as no two authors have the same take on things. I'm a member of the popular and influential SFF Chronicles, the Society of Authors, and its local subsidiary, East Anglian Writers.


Fiction News

BSFA Interview with Naomi Foyle

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Yesterday I was  interviewed by Naomi Foyle (left) for the British Science Fiction Association about Man O'War, sex robots and stir-fried jellyfish, before heading into town for a bangin' Thai supper. The interview viewed down at YAWB here.

Interview with Naomi Foyle at the BSFA

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At the BSFA's June Meet, I'll be interviewing Naomi Foyle, author of sci-fi thriller Seoul Survivors. There'll be more sexbots than you'll know what to do with, and if you can't make it, the event will be streamable. More here.

Blog Posts
Updates & Events

Fantasy Con, Chester

19-21 October 2018




"Eat Yourself, Clarice!" 2nd Edition out now.
My Lacanian look at the irrepressible Hannibal Lecter and us, his delicious subjects, gets a second edition. More...  

Wazzo New Story Online!

I've whacked up a new short story, about the Spanglish, coffee-stained adventures of dashing simpleton Reginald Rigmarole, onto the website. You can clock it here.

© 2018 Dan Jones

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