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YAWB: Canniballs!

To accompany some of my releases this year I’m releasing a second edition of “Eat Yourself, Clarice!”

It seems to me that in the time of post-truths, fake news and the ironic juxtaposition of pushbacks against Government surveillance initiatives and the individual’s ever-increasing desperation for visibility against the cultural backdrop, that the content is more relevant than ever.

In 2012 Facebook, Twitter, Youtube et al were ubiquitous. In 2017 they are eating themselves, so what better way to celebrate the wilful destruction of personal privacies and the psychoanalytic subject's parading in front of the camera by snapping up a copy of this second edition.

If you haven’t dipped into my strange segues between Columbo, bar-room jokes, Lacan, Hannibal Lecter, and King Kong, then you’ll be able to pick it up on a special promotion in February.

The second edition includes:

- a new cover design (shown on the left) featuring Francisco Goya’s Saturn Devouring His Son, which struck me as an apt illustration for the themes of self-consumption and cannibalism;

- an updated author’s introduction for 2017;

- and some corrections and updates to the main body of text.

At present, I'm aiming to release this second edition on 6th February. I may host an AMA-style online event to coincide with this. The first edition of EYC is still on sale until then, but will be unavailable when the 2nd edition is released. Which may or may not (probably the latter) make the first edition excitingly rare and collectible.

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